Program cu publicul:
Luni - Joi: Orele 12-14

Description EC EN

 DOMENIUL: Administrarea Afacerilor


Prof.Univ.Dr. Elena Druică

Prof.Univ.Dr. Rodica IANOLE-CĂLIN


The Master Program in Behavioral Economics (taught in English), offered by the Faculty of Administration and Business, University of Bucharest, aims to prepare specialists in the areas of decision processes and strategic interaction. We use a comprehensive approach that integrates the different mechanisms governing economic behavior with data analysis insights. This is reflected in learning outcomes expressed as

  • research skills, through the rigor of scientific methodology
  • managerial competencies, through the interdisciplinary analysis leading to various consulting recommendations

The research and consulting activities are developed with the local and the international environment, with applications in business, public policy, and civil society. Implicitly, the ambition of this master’s program, unique at the national level, is to enhance economic education and international cooperation at the university level and the CIVIS network (an alliance of 11 universities, among the University of Bucharest is part of).

Targeted competencies:

  • the ability to analyze and summarize complex economic phenomena
  • the capacity to understand and explain behavioral patterns and their impact on economic decisions
  • the ability to create relevant research designs for tackling real-world issues
  • the ability to solve strategic interaction problems
  • the advanced use of the behavioral economics’ concepts and principles, for consultancy and counseling in different processes of strategic decision-making
  • data collection, data filtering, and data analysis
  • the ability to consult for decision-making optimization, development of organizational trust, involvement, and empowerment of employees, business partners, and other stakeholders.
  • the ability to create nudges and to build efficient choice architectures
  • refinement and adjustment of incentives, strategies, and development policies, at the organizational and national level, responding both to market changes and to different internal stimuli
  • the capacity to communicate efficiently, taking into account important economic and non-economic variables, along with psychological and sociological factors.


Career prospects:

  • Academic and non-academic research
  • Market research, organizational design
  • Public policy design and policy advising
  • Training and consulting
  • Entrepreneurship
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