Program cu publicul:
Luni - Joi: Orele 12-14

Calendar evenimente ICUB - Secțiunea Ștințe Sociale

Date Topic Speaker Abstract
14.10.2016 Migrant cosmopolitanism: Migration and the emergence of a global political subject. Tamara Cărăuș (Visiting Prof., Social Sciences Division, ICUB) The  main  aim  of  this  project  is  to  examine  if  and  how  refugees and  immigrants can  be the avant-garde of cosmopolitanism,  that is, how could  migrants and refugees  contribute  to  a  cosmopolitan  restructuring  of  the ways  of  understanding  and  doing politics?  What  are  the  migrant  practices  and  actions  with  a  cosmopolitan  potential?  Can  we imagine  a  cosmopolitics  that  will  include  both  migrants  and non-migrants  as  a  new  way  of doing  politics  in  a  global  world?  Can  we  conceive  political  participation  independent  of locality that would  make  it possible  for  migrant/mobile people to participate to a global and cosmopolitan governance? Can  migrants and refugees be seen as renouncing the temptations of the territorial form of community and politics?
21.10.2016 H2020/Cultural Opposition. Understanding the Cultural Heritage of Dissent in the Former Socialist Countries Cristina Petrescu,
Ass.Prof, PolSci
COURAGE aims at creating the first digital database of both online and offline, private and public, collections which testify to the existence of non-conformism in thought and action – in other words, forms of cultural opposition – in all the former communist countries of East-Central Europe from the rise of these non-democratic regimes in the region to the fall of the Iron Curtain. The project breaks new ground in two major ways. First, it creates a comprehensive electronic registry of collections which are scattered on a large geographical area, many of them privately owned, virtually unknown and thus never researched. Second, it analyzes these collections in their broader social, political, and cultural contexts, in the period before 1989, as well as after. In this way, the project will identify the forms of cultural opposition which individuals and groups developed under the communist regimes in East-Central Europe, and highlight their societal impact. In short, COURAGE will remind everyone that civic courage produces authentic values even under non-democratic regimes, emphasize that the legacy of cultural opposition in the former communist countries is part of a pan-European heritage, and significantly influence the ways in which the recent history of East-Central Europe is represented.
28.10.2016 The everyday life of homeless and social workers from Sector 3, Bucharest Andrei Vlăducu (Winner of the ICUB Fellowship Competition 2016) The  concept  of  street-level  bureaucracy  is  `immature`  due  to  conspicuous  little  previous academic researchon  this  subject.Thiswill  be  an  exploratoryand innovativeresearchof  the  relation between  street-level  bureaucrats  and homeless,contributing  to  the  extended  field  of  anthropology  of bureaucracywho triesto bring light on the everyday life of civil servants. Street-level bureaucrats have a direct and  considerable impact on our livesand understanding how they operatein the fieldis the  first step  in  recalibrating  the  bureaucracy  to  the client’sneeds.Giving  that  bureaucracy  represents  a  huge component  of  the  modern  society,  we  need  to  debate  about  the  purpose  of  government  services according tothe functions of bureaucrats. To understand how street-level bureaucrats use their discretion and affect their clients is a type of research that may not be suited to quantitative researchbecause lack of  information  and incapacity  to  measure  this  kind  of  variables.When  generally  speaking  about bureaucracy  the  top-down approachesfrom  political  science  and sociologyare  prominent, being incomplete  modelsusedto  answer such  question ashow  the  practices  of bureaucratscraft  new  public policies.The  ethnographic  study  of  policy-practice  dilemma of  the  street-level  bureaucracy (in  the particular case of social workers-homeless relation)is anew type of  contribution to the general stream ofanthropology of bureaucracy directly criticizing the legal-rational andhomo economicus models. This researchisimportant  because itoffersa  more accurateand  fitperspective  onthe reality  and aclearer picture of the reality is one of the underlying conditionsof better public policies.
4.11.2016 Despre normativitatea echilibrului bugetar Professors Simina Tănăsescu & Simona Gherghina  
18.11.2016 (European Project) Behind Iron Curtains (BIC70), 2015-2016, Romanian Results Professors Valentina Pricopie & Luminița Roșca The project is promoting the history of Europe after 70 years of WWII, and fostering a sense of ownership for how the European Union develops. BIC70 Project focuses on the way citizens (students, researchers, experts, educators, youth etc) can participate and deepen their knowledge about the common European history and values. The project emphasizes the contrast of the evolving dictatorship of the party state and its crimes against the democratic system of the EU nowadays and intends to make the citizens aware over the opportunities for societal and intercultural engagement at EU level. It contains a transnational research dimension and a non-formal educational program about the post war period of Eastern and Central Europe, with a focus on how the totalitarian regime in this region developed.
25.11.2016 Télévisions et nations en « semi-périphérie » européenne: comment constituer une identité nationale par la télévision (1958-1980). Études de cas : la Roumanie,  la Bulgarie et la Belgique Professors Romina Surugiu & Luminița Roșca Speaker: Anne Roekens, Belgia
Dr. Anne ROEKENS, de l’Université de Namur, est l’auteure-pionnière de la première histoire de la télévision francophone en Belgique et reste l’historienne la plus connue des médias audio-visuels en Belgique francophone.